Get to where he is by doing what he does.
This is one of the most talked about series of business courses packed with techniques and principles to help guide you to growth and success in any industry. From building a strong foundation in the beauty business, to upping your game on social media, branding, and dynamic leadership, Daniel gives you his best practices and personalized strategies, positioning you for a life of abundance and happiness.

Discover who you are within the business and define roles.

Become a six-figure stylist in record time.

Learn effective planning and goal setting that guarantee 20% growth each day.

Learn how to brand yourself and become a market leader in your area.

Explore interactive ways to learn the art of retailing, pre-booking, and building business behind the chair.

Create and define your point of difference. Develop influential linguistics that set you apart.

Discover how to generate content and leverage social media channels to get business results.